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 About Us                                                                                                                            

I am a Traditional Psychic Healer, Astrologer, Voodoo Spiritualist and Witchcraft Protection Lucky Spell Caster with strong ancestral spiritual powers, rituals and spells for love, marriage, finance, business, manhood, infertility, love charms, bad luck, curses, witchcraft, cleansing and protection that work instantly with guaranteed results and without side effects!


Born in the lineage of healers, medicine men and spiritualists with a direct link to the semi-demi gods, I, Dr. Mama Kyeyo started healing at such a tender age. Over the years, I have treated and healed people, solved life problems which even modern chemistry has proved a dismal failure. For that matter therefore, I extended the treating methods beyond and across boarders from Africa, Latin and North America, Europe, Australia Asia and the far East.


As a Psychic Traditional Healer and Witchcraft Protection Lucky Spell Caster, I have treated and helped people with problems which include among others; Marriage and Divorce, Business and Finance, Love Relationship Issues, Jobs and Employment, Court cases, Witchcraft and Bad Luck, Impotency and Infertility, Chronic Diseases, and many more.

With great
powers to treat and work from the shrine (temple) and through the Distance Treatment Method for  clients who cannot reach the shrine, many people have been healed and got what they needed and desired. Get back to your feet happily with me Healer (Dr.) Mama Kyeyo. Every treatment and medicine, spells and rituals is effective and guaranteed, result oriented without negative effects. So, do not live a silent  miserable life full of suffering when I am at your reach. Contact me today.

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Specialty and Services


As a type of divination, Astrology involves forecasting earthly and human events through observation and interpretation of the sun, moon, fixed stars and planets to constantly seek narratives that help weave our past, present, and future together through our goals and expectations.


As an Astrologer, I can look into your life and see your previous existences, connections and then predetermine and forge a better life for you. Utilizing planetary objects like the stars to guide our lives can help us overcome a lot of known and unforeseen problems and challenges since astrology is among the modes of knowledge and understanding used in life through. So, for any life problems, challenges and difficulties, contact me for I am your Astrologer with absolute ability to answer all the most pressing questions and provide solutions.

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Clairvoyance provides the ability to gain information about a person, an object, location and physical events through extraordinary perception using various methods and spiritual forces. With my clairvoyance reading, using spiritual forces and occult methods, I can help you answer precisely all your questions and give you life changing solutions to better your life.

Answers are precisely clear and this can help us with guidance for our present and future sentiments, emotions, business, projects and the social life. So, do not hesitate to contact me for your clairvoyance readings and more. 

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Divination is the way through which one can gain insight into questions or situations by use of an occultic, standardized processes or rituals. As a soothsayer, I interpret signs, details and fantastic objects and use them for advanced notice of omens. There are various forms of Divination such as; Water Reading, Sand Divination, Tarot, Reflection Divination.


These forms are effectively carried out through methods of horoscopes, astrology, crystal gazing, tarot cards, and the Ouija board - all with the sole concern to discover the spiritual will of the gods. If you need to get a clear sight of your life`s path, Divination is your right way to go about with it. Contact me today for all your Divination needs. 

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Magic is  crafted with the intention of triggering magical effects on a person or object. It is also a verbal formula because it can be performed through words that carry the power to effect a situation. As a ritual of recitation of words or sounds that have magical effects, magic is basically carried out through magical spells which have magical power and force to cause an effect.

Such forces include; charm, magical spell, conjuration, incantation. This incarnation, enchantment or bewitchery has supernatural power over natural forces and can be performed during ceremonial rituals or prayers. If you have problems in your life, bad luck, evil spirits, curses and witchcraft problems, let me help you with my powerful magical spells and rituals to solve all your life-taking problems. Contact me today.

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Dream Book

The Dream Book can interpret the significance of dreams especially as omens of the past, present and future. One widely held purpose about this amazing Dream Book is that it helps store important memories and things you have learnt, get rid of unimportant memories, sort through complicated thoughts and feelings. With the power of this Dream Book, all your dreams will have meaning and help you devise means of how to go about each and every situation as visioned in your dreams. Contact me for this powerful tool of insight into life`s purpose today. 

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This service is all about numbers, birth dates, star signs, cosmic combinations and all systems which are highly powerful to solve human problems. As a numerologist, I use your birth date to give profound bits of knowledge into your fate and life by way of luck and individual destination. I can tell the future, guide human behavior, predict the outcome of relationships and the unknown by figuring out a person's mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events to their destiny. Contact me today for such a service with guaranteed results for your desires. 

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Magic Ornaments

These were invented and powerfully designed by great spiritualist, black magicians and fortune tellers around 460 - 800 BC and later to be improved by the great Egyptian Pharaohs to help the unfortunate and curb shortcomings and lure unknown and unintended bad happenings. These ornaments include; MAGIC RING, MAGIC ARMLET, MAGIC STICK and MAGIC WALLET. 

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These ornaments have been used and are still being used by those wealthy and rich men and women since time immemorial. These magic 
together with the powers infused into them, can undoubtedly give you success by solving: Financial problems, Love problems, Business problems, Protection in extremely dangerous situations and any other thing you would wish for in life. So, call us today for your magical wallet or ring!

The work between me and my clients is 100% private and confidential. I only communicate with you and never sell or rent any of your private information. I work from my own home with secure parking.

Specialty: Psychic and spells caster, Voodoo spiritual healer, Bring back lost lover specialist, Traditional herbalist, Fortune teller and Palm reader, Astrologist, Witchcraft love spells, Cleansing and bad luck specialist, Talisman and wiccan spell caster, traditional medicine doctor, manhood enlargement doctor, marriage and divorce spell caster,  ..


Disclaimer - The services, and all there is, as provided by Dr. Mama Kyeyo are purely herbal and based on ancestral powers and are entirely used at own discretion and the results may vary between individuals. However, that does not mean that they are not effective although they do not replace professional services of doctors, lawyers, priests  and others.


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Healer (Dr.) Mama Kyeyo

Working Hours

Monday - Saturday: 07:00 - 19:00 hours

Sunday: 08:30 - 17:00 hours


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